April 20, 2009

Moo Doo

Wow, so it was a whirlwind of a weekend. Friday night we went to opening night of the Paw Sox. Fun times were had by all, except for the Paw Sox, who left a bunch of guys on base in the eighth, then lost in the ninth.

Saturday morning, Chris and I worked on the garage gutter. Actually, we removed it. (If you don't remember why, see the bottom of Massive Rocks.)

The woodwork behind it is in pretty good shape, but Chris nailed a couple warped pieces back up tighter, and on Sunday afternoon, I painted the fascia with oil-based primer/sealer. Once we rehang the gutter, no one will see the fascia for 20-30 years (hopefully), so all the primer/sealer is supposed to do is deter decay.

On Saturday morning, Jon and Brandon showed up for a 24-hour stay. Fun times! We ate some good food, got to play some hoops against fast, smart college kids who directed us to humility, and on Saturday evening, watched Sue dance at a local restaurant. Sue did so well, that the manager asked her to come back every Saturday. In fact, one older gentleman actually fell backwards out of his chair and banged the back of his head during her performance. Quite a commotion. (Sue chuckled and says here, "You're implying something, that's not true," but I assure you, I'm being pretty accurate.)

Sunday, Sue's mom showed up and she and Sue went to Old Sturbridge Villiage for the day. It's a Colonial Williamsburg-type affair, but more spread out and with more animals. The highlight of the trip for Sue was seeing a two-day-old lamb.

While they were gone, I went out and got 400lbs of composted manure, and I put that on the garden beds. Moo doo!

There's more, but we'll save some for the week. Happy Monday!

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