Oh glorious day of days! Today is the day that this pink-orange house begins to disappear forever! That's right, people, no more jokes about not needing directions to get to the house, "We'll just follow the glow." No more comments like, "Wow, I didn't know they made a color like that." Snicker yourself all to pieces for the last time! The weather is good, so the painters are starting today! I've taken a bunch of BEFORE pictures, eagerly awaiting AFTER shots.
This weekend the weather was great. I got a lot done around the house. First, Chris and I worked on the garage gutter. We lowered the downspout side a smidge by hacksawing the downspout and then rehanging the gutter. We tested with buckets of water, and that adjustment seemed to do the trick.
In preparation for the painters, I cleaned out the garage (so they can store their ladders in there at night), and I had to do something I was sort of dreading - moving the compost bin away from the house. It wasn't as tough as I thought it would be, but I thought it was going to be terrible.
There's some pretty good compost in there.
On top of that, Chris and I made a massive mess upstairs by sanding down the joint compound (AKA mud) we had put up to cover the ceiling/drywall damage caused by installing the attic pulldown. I'm still mopping and dusting this morning to try to get the last of the white dust up before Sue gets back tonight. After sanding, we tacked up the woodwork.
There's lots more to show with respect to the attic pulldown progress and backyard farming preparations, but this post would be too long, so we'll save it for tomorrow. I think another Pop Quiz is in the works as well - mystery seed identification!
Have great Mondays, everyone!
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