If you're facing the house, in the front right corner of the yard we put a little rock outcropping, along with some new hens-and-chicks. I want a couple big rocks to put in there, but we don't have any around. Anyway, the hens-and-chicks are cool little succulent plants. We'll see if they grow.
We planted some variegated crawlers around the boxwood, which is budding up a storm and looking great. Should look cool eventually, but there is one hitch. I thought the biggest hazard for the boxwood (and anything growing in the hellstrip) would be piles of snow. Turns out, the boxwood is also a magnet for the male dogs in the neighborhood. We're taking care of Lila now, and her interest is a dead giveaway.
Happy Cinco de Mayo, and happy birthday, Mr. Pirro!
I have some chicks and hens (funny you call them hens and chicks - guess it just one of those things), in strawberry pots on my front stoop - I love them and they come back every year. They aren't doing as well this year since the snow sat on top of them (they strongly prefer to be put under the deck but I forgot)...
Ellen was saying she has trouble growing them. I put some rocks underneath them when I planted them, so they drain well. Not sure if it'll work, but they seem to be doing okay so far.
I like the way they grow, and their cactus-y look. Sue likes the concept. It's no wonder she's still supremely addicted to CuteOverload.
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