May 12, 2009

Barely Sprouted

The painters returned yesterday, and scraped, sanded and primed half of the east side of the house.

The squashes are looking the best, but the cukes and carrots and tomatoes are also up. Actually, I tried to take a picture, but you wouldn't be able to tell what you were looking at; the four o'clocks are also barely sprouted. I'm waiting and waiting for the watermelons to sprout - no dice so far.

This weekend, we also weeded one of the raised beds and filled it with loam. The other will get done soon.

I think I mentioned this before, but Mother's Day is the rule-of-thumb safe day to plant vegetable gardens in Rhode Island (hence the URI farm festival thingie scheduled for this past weekend). We'll be sinking these little suckers in the newly prepared garden bed this week or this weekend. We've decided Julie's going to work the other bed. More to come...

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