August 11, 2008

Mr. Miagi Exercise

This was not a Mr. Miagi exercise, as the stairs required horizontal strokes, but I still think of The Karate Kid every time I paint. Today it was the upstairs staircase.

Eventually, we'll paint the trim of the stairs a different color -- something bold and cool -- but for now, Swiss Coffee. It's white with a tiny bit of brown; off-white with a brown tone? It has an eggshell finish.

It's funny. The last pic was taken at night, so the camera flash gave the stairs a sheen and gleam that they don't really have.

Today... tiling. Scary.


tron said...

We used Swiss Coffee on all of our trim at our old place. Good luck with the tiling!

Deborah Glasofer said...

looking good! by the time you're done w/ your place, maybe i'll buy a place and put you two to work :)

Hack said...

The Swiss drink white coffee?

tron said...

we do

Rob said...

For clarification, Swiss Coffee is an off-the-shelf color option at Home Depot. What I mean is, we didn't spot Swiss Coffee in a sea of paint chips and choose it. It's one of Behr's standard offerings.