October 13, 2009

Burning the Burning

Happy Tuesday, folks. Sue spent the weekend in Tampa with most of her grad school girls. She went to the beach...

...ate paella...

...chased some geckos...

...and took pictures of breakfast. Hee hee.

I took pictures of Jon helping to cut down the dead burning bush.

For those who only recently tuned in, this was a pretty momentous and sad event. You should be able to reconstruct a history of our relationship with our beloved tree/bush from these posts:

The branches were all dead, so the wood was soft. The stump though was challenging...

...and we dug a trench all the way around it, and chopped many roots with an axe.

Eventually, as if acknowledging that its time was over, it wavered and gave up...

...and we yanked it out. (It's a little sad to me that the stump resembles a heart.)

We cleaned up many of the smaller branches with fire - burning the burning bush.

Next, we planted John Lennon. Remember? See Big Bonsai.

He'll grow up into a different type of burning bush...

...but a burning bush nonetheless.

Sure thing, C! We'll bring some Frankenstein Seeds down to Christmas.

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