While the older branches seem normal, the ends of newest branches are unique. Click on the pic to enlarge it. The green shoots of new branches are guarded by incomplete bark. There are lengths of bark that protect the new branches as they extend and expand, but the shoots within the branches are green and exposed... if that makes any sense.
We want to know what type of tree this is, especially because it is behaving strangely. The first pic (above) was taken a month ago. Check out this pic from this morning. ProPil Pop Quiz #3 Part II: Is this normal?
Not sure if you see it, but it's dropping lots of leaves... red and green.
I sent this to my brother-in-law, Steve. I bet he'll know.
I'm guessing that the funny behavior might be due to stress. He'll probably recommend that you remove some of the branches. We have one of these twisty trees in our yard and we've been told that you need to thin them out every so often.
I have no idea what I'm talking about. Sorry if I have offended any horticulturists.
You've got yourselves a Winged Euonymus (a/k/a a burning bush). Possible root rot problem from water molds, these are common on ornamentals and often produce a decline of part of the top. Of course, nobody can say for sure just looking at these pictures. With plant disease problems, same as with medical problems, testing may be required for precise diagnosis.
Thanks, you guys! We'll monitor our burning bush going forward, and we'll keep y'all updated with pictures.
Those branches underneath the canopy are the result of a recent trimming. Hopefully the bush is just a little miffed at being trimmed and not rotting from the underground up.
Fingers crossed!
is that what a tree looks like? i've been back in nyc so long, i've nearly forgotten...
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