August 21, 2009

Which Ones Aren't

TGIF, friends. The ProJo is talking t-storms today, but the radar doesn't look too bad...

...but Bill could make things a little exciting. (Glad we graded the yard and got the gutters fixed.)

Anyway, I've got an early dentist appointment. I've got to eat and then get on my bike. Just a cleaning this time, but next year I'm going to need another root canal. As Liz Lemon would say, "Blerg."

We had our final dragonboat practice last night. Fun times. Did I ever tell you our team name? It's a little offensive, but all in good fun... we're the Dirty Oars. Apparently the festival crowd typically loves us. Our team t-shirts are less shameful than you might expect.

When you're rowing you find out which parts of your upper body are working and which ones aren't. My shoulder is healed. Sue's shoulder is not. (See Heels Over Head if you didn't know she hurt her shoulder.) She's irked.

We hope you guys have great weekends planned. We're gearing up for some painting and ceiling patching and baseboard installation.


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