August 20, 2009

Captain Apollo

I said yesterday that the big news in town was about the Moderate Party of RI's new legitimacy. I forgot to mention that Richard Hatch..., not Captain Apollo from Battlestar Galactica! *This* Richard Hatch, the first winner of Survivor... back in jail, and that's also front page news.

Remember how we live across the street from a National Guard building? Well, the building houses the 103rd Field Artillery Battalion, and yesterday the Governor announced that many in the battalion will be going overseas again - some to war zones. The link talks about one of those Guardsmen, and it says "approximately 90 members of the 103rd Field Artillery Battalion [will be deployed to] Kuwait [for] one year."

On a totally different and very sad note, I called our electrician on Tuesday. We want to put a light on the side of the house - now that it's painted - add a light and fan in the attic, put some additional outlets and lighting in the basement. One of his numbers was disconnected. The voicemessage on the other one was one of those computerized voices telling you what number you called before the beep. He always returned my calls right away, so I got a bad feeling when he didn't call back.

Yesterday I searched for obituaries and found this: Police ID Warwick man killed in motorcycle accident.

Sorry for the downbeat vibes this morning. Stay cool, peoples!



Deborah Glasofer said...

1. Sorry to hear about your electrician. That was a horribly depressing development.

2. On a totally different note, your "PPS" reminded me to send you this craziness:

Rob said...

I feel badly for that... person.

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