In other news, the Bad Verbs' backyard garden is exploding.
See the cukes above?
We do have a bit of a mold/mildew problem with a couple of our squash plants...
...but squashes are still coming.
Last Thursday, Sue officially received her final transcript from American. She is a doctor. And today is Sue's first day of postdoc. After five weeks of vacation, she starts working just a mile away from home at a hospital on beautiful grounds in the ritzy part of Providence's tiny close-in suburbs. I'm hoping the pace of the work is a big reward for her, allowing her the flexibility to pursue exactly the type of research she enjoys.
Thanks for your continued support. I responded to you, Corinne, at Angry Leopard.
Brandini, thanks. We were glad the pics came out as well as they did. If there's a next time, we'll try to bring along a more powerful zoom lens.
Hacker, in Top Trip Pics, those are ground squirrels - super cute - but *these* are African prairie dogs for you... otherwise known as meerkats.
Apparently Meerkat Manor is filmed in South Africa, near the southern border of Botswana.
I watched that show religiously for several weeks, but it started to take an emotional toll on me. There is some danger in personifying animals with short life spans.
When you talk about the dangers of personifying animals, I can't help but think of Knucklehead and Princess Kevin.
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