It's been hot and humid for the past week - up in the 90s - but it's set to cool down next week thankfully. For those of us without AC, the few hot weeks of summer are sort of tough times.
I'm working my way through In Defense of Food. It's a fast read, but those of you who know me well know that reading things like it really get my blood pressure up. Sue and I are kind of worried that after I'm done I'll end up wearing a bigger aluminum foil hat than ever before. So it goes. Damn the Western diet.
In the part I'm reading now, Pollan makes an interesting hypothesis - that smelling the flowers of ripening fruits and vegetables (in the weeks before fruits and vegetables ripen) and seeing those fruits and vegetables ripen over time may trigger changes in the gut (the development of enzymes, for example) that prepare the body to eat those foods and be nourished by them. Without that chance to see what's coming, the human body is unprepared.
Anyway, the biggest news around town is that a third party, the Moderate Party of Rhode Island, is now on the ballot in the 2010 election cycle. There was a court case, and then at Whole Foods a few weeks back, Sue and I signed the petition in support of their legitimacy.
Happy hump day, folks!
Sue's next book club book is The House at Riverton.
Mine is the Ten Year Nap and we are discussing the Moment I First Believed on Thursday at AP Book Club.
You girls and your novels.
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