The Dinner Party red is a little rosier or cranberry-er (less burgundy/brown) than we expected based on the swatch, but we're still happy with the result.
Here's how the garden is looking. The four squashes (at the bottom of the frame) are growing like gangbusters. They are quickly outpacing the cuke, which is right in the center of the squashes (at the bottom of the frame). The tomatoes (middle of the frame) are doing pretty well, too, but I'm thinking they had a hard time breaking through the hardened moo-doo block in which they germinated. Julie says the tomatoes are planted too close together, and I could get rid of two of them. The beets seem to like their lot in life, and beans are sprouting behind those. You can barely see the onions in this pic, against the far wall of the bed.
The painters say they have two or three days left, but man oh man... more rain today, tomorrow through Friday. Saturday and Sunday should be nice though. Maybe we'll start putting the fence in.
You may have heard about the longstanding contract flap Providence's Mayor Cicilline's got going with the city firefighters. You know, Biden opted out of an event in Providence because of planned demonstrations? Well, here's the lastest: Cicilline outlines contract offer to city firefighters. This is sort of big news around town.
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