September 07, 2008

Order from Chaos

Last we left the basement, this is where we were at...

In my mom's basement, the work room has two walls covered in pegboard from the hip up. It really helps to unclutter, so you see everything you've got.

On Thursday, Sue and I walked up the hill to get some pizza, and we came across the sheet of peg board I had been day-dreaming of. It comes in massive sheets, so apparently someone in the neighborhood used half and left half on the street. Brand spankin' new.

Order from chaos.


MegDC said...

Nice--if I'm remembering right, Dad originally got the pegboard idea from our old next door neighbor, Mr. Lipp, who took pity on him and gave lots of advice when he was young and just learning to fix up a house.

Rob said...

Wow! Cool! I never heard that story. Where's our pity? *sniffle* The Bad Verbs could use some of that.