September 22, 2009

Settling Into Fall

It feels like we're sort of settling into fall now. The daytime weather is nice but growing cooler each successive evening. The nights are longer. Halloween candies have appeared at Walgreens. It's very foggy out there today.

After a three-month break from art allowing travel and focused work on the house, I've started to draw some again - story-boarding my next animation project - and lots of people were missing from Sue's book club last night on account of head colds and coughs. (Sue's new book is Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann.)

I'm sort of bummed that I haven't yet started being a high school study-buddy this semester. VIPS emailed me to see if I was interested, and I am and told them so, but they have yet to tell me when and where I'll be volunteering.

I put valerian root tincture in my tea last night for the first time. I think I was super tired anyhow, but I definitely slept early and well - from 9 until 6:15.

Time to go pick some tomatoes and beans...

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