September 29, 2009

Know Why?

Happy Tuesday, peeps.

We've got another 5K this weekend, so we've been ramping up our running regimen heading into it. This morning we jogged to the track at Hope High (1 mile each way) and then did some higher speed exercises. Sue did four 400s today. I did four 200s. Hopefully we can beat our times from the JCC race a few weeks ago.

In other news, VIPS has still not called/written me back. I may have found some flat file cabinets on Craigslist, and this weekend I picked up polyurethane, more baseboards and more wainscoting for the basement. I think I have most of what I need to make it nice down there.

Beyond the fact that it'll be the last day of September, tomorrow is a big day for ProPil. Do you know why?

David Brooks in the NYT has been on a provocative intellectual tear since this most recent presidential election cycle. Sometimes he's been off, but most times I think he's tracing the main vein to the motherlode. His opinion today is worth a read: The Next Culture War.

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