Today, we want to send a special thanks to the San Diego bunch for their birthday gift of backyard avocados to Marge, AKA M/M. Last weekend, we became lucky recipients of the sharing, harvest-time spirit, and we want to report, the fruits are fine!
And we've complained to many about the state of the roads in Providence, even going so far as to produce a cartoon about them. As three-season bike-riders, we believe we have a special relationship to the roads, and thus, a right to complain, but in case you didn't believe us or didn't understand... take a look at this fine specimen.
When the Friday pastries arrive in the office this morning, don't think twice, we encourage you to gorge enormously (or to enormity). Our local church says, Pah! Don't worry. Piety, diabetes and congestive heart failure, three peas in a pod... the American Way!
Where's spring? It's going to be a high of 38 today. Arg.
i don't even understand how a road could get like that! typically, a bad winter leaves bad potholes, not random pieces of the road coming up. weird. bike safely!
Check out Jon Stewart interviewing Jim Cramer on the March 12th Daily Show. It provides more insight to the pot holes (i.e., corruption and invalidity) of the Wall Street system. I think you'll find it of interest. - Susan
Thanks, Susan! Thanks for the reminder! Here it is...
Cramer vs. Stewart
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