December 19, 2008

Young Schoolchildren

Happy Friday, everyone! *Tons* of stuff is closed or canceled today as a precaution for the upcoming snowstorm. The forecast for 2-4 inches has been ratcheted up to 6-8 inches or even a foot.

I was surprised when announcements started surfacing that things were closing yesterday, because the storm is not supposed to arrive in Rhode Island until the afternoon, but then people in the office told me about this:
The forecast is nearly a replica of last year's infamous Dec. 13, 2007 snowstorm that left a hundred Providence schoolchildren stranded on buses and motorists throughout Greater Providence and beyond trapped in gridlock for hour.

Here's an excerpt of the linked story:
Oh, the weather outside was frightful on Dec. 13, 2007.

But not as frightful as the lackadaisical response by city and state officials, as some people see it, when a modest snowstorm caused widespread traffic gridlock in the Providence metropolitan area in the afternoon and evening and stranded hundreds of young schoolchildren on buses for many hours.

As an investigative commission put it, “near anarchy reigned in the city’s streets,” with motorists angrily confronting one another and at least 68 bus, car and truck accidents reported. While all this was going on, key officials went home or tended to other business, apparently oblivious to how matters had gotten out of hand.

The last nine Providence schoolchildren to have been stranded — at the school bus yard — were not taken home by the police until 11:20 p.m., according to the commission.

I love the ProJo. You mean, the schoolchildren were young?! Ha.

Anyway, this is the last day of work in 2008 for most Brown staff. People should be in very good spirits, and I'm sure most folks will leave early if they come in at all.

Here's a better pic of the crack in the windshield.

And here are some pics of the composting bin's extravagant "greens". You have to put in three parts brown (leaves and dead stuff) for every one part green (fresh food matter and so on). I'm hoping the quality of the compost we're producing is stellar.

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