December 11, 2008

Multi-Purpose Gesture

Brown has a short-lived tradition of giving staff the week between Christmas and New Year's off. Yesterday, the University announced it was giving staff off the week of Christmas as well. Pretty happy day around the office. (Sue is technically an employee of Butler Hospital, so unfortunately, she'll be working up until Christmas Day.)

It seems like a multi-purpose gesture:

1) It continues to be a tough year, so engender some goodwill amongst the staff by offering an added perk. Engendering goodwill is especially important because with things as they are, there may be some necessary but painful cuts in the new year.

2) Save a few days worth of electricity and heating costs to contain expenses.

Anyway... people were psyched. In other fun news, Jonathan, our neighbor who has helped with several recent home improvement projects, published an opinion in the ProJo about a different sort of painful cut.

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