While we were waiting for that, we grabbed eleven bags of leaves from neighbors' sidewalks. Then the mulching bag was delivered to the house. So we built the garden beds, because apparently putting chipped leaves in there now is great. It decomposes right on top of the turned soil, and in the spring, you're ready to go - a layer of dark topsoil in which to plant.
Today is a very nice, blustery day outside. Perfect for chip-chip-chipping.
First, the bag didn't fit the mower. Gotta send it back. Then I couldn't start the mower. We opted to use the weed wacker after yanking on the mower cord too many times. And we wacked and wacked with mediocre results. Then after eight bags of wack-wack-wacking, the weed wacker's thread ran out.
We did get a lot done though. We filled the garden beds and continued to build the pile in the compost bin.
If you look close, you can see Sue inside... work-work-working and cough-cough-coughing.
Jonathan opted not to work on his siding today. Sounds like it's time to get some pho to sooth Sue's throat. Then voyage to Trader Joe's in Warwick - first store in RI opened two weeks ago. Obama on 60 Minutes at 7. Redskins-Cowboys at 8:15. Wonderful.
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