November 11, 2008

Budget Hole

Deficit to require ‘dramatic’ actions
01:00 AM EST on Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Journal State House Bureau

PROVIDENCE –– State leaders learned yesterday that Rhode Island is facing a gaping budget hole of $372 million for the current year, its largest mid-year deficit in nearly 20 years.

Here's the rest of the story.

Sources speaking on condition of anonymity suggested slashing Providence's generous graffiti remediation budget.

Just joshing.

The answer to ProPil Pop Quiz #4 is... $70.99.


MegDC said...

Sure, after you returned all the materials you'd charged to low-level campaign staffers' credit cards. Hmph.

Rob said...

Woah, woah, woah, big sis. Those were "itemized coordinated expenditures", and I didn't return them. I used them, and then as we had planned all along, donated every last $300 silk blouse to charity. Sexist!