October 25, 2008

ProPil Pop Quiz #4

We'll put a fiberglass roof on there at some point, but ignoring that for the moment... the composting bin's done! It took about 16 hours to plan and assemble. Not bad.

5 8ft 2by4 boards
2 12ft 2by4 boards
3 16ft 1by8 boards
2 8ft 2by6 boards
1 25ft roll of PVC "hardware cloth" 40-inch-wide (the green fencing)
1 box of 3-inch exterior wood screws
1 box of 3/8-inch staples

ProPil Pop Quiz #4
All the boards were untreated. Imagining that we already owned all the tools we used (even though we borrowed a chop saw from Jonathan), how much did this project cost?


MegDC said...


Hack said...

1/2 of a small tree and approx. 2 liters of petroleum?

Rob said...

Both of you are SO close! Refer to Budget Hole post-script.