October 27, 2008

Mold Problem

Happy Monday! We had blissful weather up here this weekend. Late on Saturday night it teemed, but it was gorgeous during waking hours. Sue was in Bawlmer with her grad school peoples. I hosted a poker night on Saturday for a few of Sue's cool internship peers. Beyond that, I undertook all manner of house-task.

One job we have been meaning to get to was re-caulking the tub in the bathroom. Previous occupants it seemed had used caulk to cover a mold problem. Instead of removing the moldy caulk first, it appears they just slapped a coat on top. In the four months we've lived here, the mold seeped and grew to the surface. Ick!

Removed the old stuff. Sprayed the heck out of the affected areas with bleach. Left the dehumidifier on in the bathroom for five-six hours. Then caulked.

We need to put another coat on, but this should be pretty good for the time being.

Lindsay, from Sue's internship class, threw a Sunday evening potluck with pumpkin carving. We're all set now!

UPDATED: What's So Radical with the video of Frank's speech - both smart and funny stuff.

1 comment:

T's Mom said...

I found this article on the NYtimes website and thought you might be interested. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/26/us/26rhode.html?_r=1&scp=2&sq=rhode%20island&st=cse&oref=slogin

PS. Love the Pumpkin