October 24, 2008

War Bonds

Happy Friday, everyone! We had our first freeze last night, and it was still only 27-degrees at 7AM. We still have not turned the heat on. It was 50-degrees in the house last night. We could see our breath!

Tonight, fearing that pipes may freeze, and since I'll be home all weekend, I'll be flipping the switch on old Bessie. Fingers crossed!

In other news, on Monday only, Rhode Island is selling $350M worth of war bonds. If they don't, next month the government won't be able to pay the bills. Hopefully Rhode Islanders will pony up. We're considering it. It's like an eight-month CD with a 3% return.

Sue's heading to Bawlmer this weekend to visit with her beloved grad school peers. My big project is to finish up the compost bin (post forthcoming).

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