October 06, 2008

A Key Architect

Happy Monday, everyone!

The wedding this weekend was great! Fun family and friends. Great food. Wonderful venues. Everyone seemed to have a good time. Sue was a bridesmaid, and I was an usher. Ush! Ush!

So, the financial news is brutal worldwide, and especially in Providence and Massachusetts. This morning, we're listening to WGBH, Boston's NPR station. Apparently, MA homelessness is skyrocketing, and in the ProJo, there are more and more articles about foreclosure in Providence. We're watching this kind of news closely.

Barney Frank
, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, a key architect of the recent financial rescue package in Congress, is coming to speak at Brown this afternoon. Hopefully I'll get a seat to hear him.

It's getting cold here. Only 48 this morning. 58 in our house. Oh and...

Hail to the Redskins!


Deborah Glasofer said...

why no close-ups of you and Sue in your wedding duds? oh, and Rob, in case you were wondering, Sue's b-day actually wasn't on Saturday. it's in a couple of weeks. just in case you got confused like me ;)

Anonymous said...

Hail indeedie.