July 13, 2008

Comments on ProPil

Several folks have reported problems leaving comments on ProPil. We love your comments, so here're a few thoughts and an article:

1) Blogger is owned by Google. For this reason, if you have a Gmail (Google mail) account, leaving comments is very easy. If you are signed in to Gmail, Blogger will automatically recognize you and allow to comment under your Gmail name.

2) Even if you do not have a Gmail account, you should be able to leave anonymous comments by choosing the anonymous option under Choose an Identity unless...

3) If you have pop-up windows blocked, Blogger's Comment function may have problems. Depending on your browser, you'll have to choose to allow/enable pop-up windows broadly, or specifically on the ProPil site.

And here's an instruction page.

Persevere and never fear!


Anonymous said...

OK. If this comment is coming up, then I've followed your directions correctly. Success at last!

Rob said...
