July 08, 2008

Electric Refuse

The electrician came again today. He said the house has some dangerous wiring, and whoever used to work on it took short cuts. He removed a bunch of electric refuse from the basement ceiling and walls.

After cutting up all that wiring, nothing in the house that was working, electrically-speaking, seems to be disabled. That's much different, of course, from saying everthing in the house (electrically-speaking) is working, but it is amazing that all of that junk above served no purpose.

In other news, Sue co-led her first group as an intern today. I'll be attending a three-day conference starting tomorrow with all the corporate and foundation officers from the Ivy League, plus Stanford's and MIT's. It's an annual event held at Alton Jones. Should be a great learning experience.

Thanks to all for their continued support, and congratulations to Sarah for her super strong finish to summer school!

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