July 30, 2008

Some Promise

In spite of the economic challenges facing Rhode Island, some folks think the state's got some promise.

Today's NYT spotlights a big urban development project on the west side of Providence, but in fact, the same company undertaking the work is managing a ton of other projects in Rhode Island. The company is headquartered in Bawlmer, where many of us have seen redevelopment projects go a long way.

Here's an excerpt:

Today, Struever has seven projects under way in Rhode Island, including the $150 million conversion of an old Narragansett Electric power plant into a combined museum and hotel. The developer’s total investment in the state is more than $500 million, according to the company’s Web site.

The power plant project is at a site called Dynamo House, right near where we work. Here's the company's online material (referenced above) on its extensive presence in Providence.

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