June 27, 2008

Don't Forget...

Even though Nick hates on Pixar, don't forget...

WALL-E! WALL-E! WALL-E comes out today! Here's the NYT's raving review.

I freely admit, I am Playdo in Pixar's palm. I sit through their movies like a wide-eyed infant. Pixar + Rob = Love.


Anonymous said...

We went and saw Wall-E the day it came out and we loved it! Very cute. A little scary about the levitating 500 pound blob fate of the human race....

Julie from S.D.

Rob said...

Indeed! Sue and I concurred, message trumped plot and character development -- a departure for Pixar -- but the message was bold and progressive.

Anonymous said...

Hey, here is interesting news: guess who started working at Pixar one week ago? Steve's cousin David in San Francisco! Remember him? He is working on some kind of Pixar technology development project now. We are very excited!


Rob said...

How cool! I'm sure it comes with its own set of challenges, but what a neat job -- working to advance the cutting edge.