Today I spent some time doing some down and dirty cleaning. Let me cast illusions aside.
As an example, the smallest bedroom in the house is the nicest of the three. Painted a cheerful shade of yellow (hard to tell because iPhones have no flash), the floors are in pretty good shape. Whoever took the time to paint and tidy it, however, did not apparently have enough time to carefully clean beneath the radiator.
At some point, the bedrooms were carpeted. During that time, someone overflowed all the radiators in the house, probably ruining the carpeting and definitely damaging the hardwood floors. When the previous owner/tenant removed the carpeting, they did not lift or remove the radiators to get to the tacking beneath the radiator or the carpeting and padding beneath the radiator feet. The results...
...a bunch of old, crusty gunk that makes the house smell stale...
...the corroded ring that encircles the radiator pipe into the floor.
And if that is not enough proof, refer to the follow-on post, Heavy Duty.
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