January 06, 2009

Death of the Doorbell

This weekend we did a few productive things to the house. We acquired an attic pulldown and researched our new front screen/glass door. We started regrouting our tile-covered kitchen counter, which will be featured in tomorrow's blog post, and we resolved #12 on our list of 2009 tasks.

When we first moved into the house, the side doorbell worked once. It generated a feeble bing-bong from the chime fixture between the kitchen and the front foyer. The front doorbell never seemed to work. We determined, three or four things could be wrong with the doorbell: the doorbell buttons, the chime fixture, the wiring, and the transformer that powers the chime down at the fuse box in the basement. The wiring and the transformer both require an electrician to rectify, and we figured it probably wasn't worth it for a doorbell.

The buttons and the chime itself we could test at little cost. So with hearts full of hope, we replaced the doorbell buttons themselves, and we tested them to no avail. Then we replaced the chime fixture, and we tested the buttons. Then we whispered a mumbled eulogy for the death of the doorbell.

We'll fill in all the holes, and if we ever really really want a doorbell, we can get the wireless kind.

You won't believe it (we didn't), but the answer to ProPil Pop Quiz #5 is... $165.


Unknown said...

We don't have a doorbell either and yet people still are able to visit (whether we want them to or not).

Rob said...

Happy 2009, Corinne!

Yeah, we figured it shouldn't be too bad without the bing-bongs, unless I've got the volume on the old amp to 11.