January 30, 2009

All Around Town

TGIF, team! We hope everyone has a great weekend ahead! Yesterday was crazy icy all around town. Only got as high as 33-degrees.

Most of the ice on our driveway melted in the sun, but at the bottom, it's still coated. I took a little spill running to catch the bus in the morning. I was giggling on my sliding sprint. Gotta love winter in New England!

Unrelatedly, here are a couple cool things cool folks sent us this week:

Gigapan image of inauguration (Use the zoom feature and see how it keeps its clarity! Crazy. Dubyu Bush looks annoyed. Clarence Thomas looks asleep. Scalia looks like he wants to punch somebody. GHW Bush’s hat is totally ridiculous. Yo Yo Ma is taking an iPhone photo.)

Great inauguration pics from around the world

E-Trade Baby

Oh, and I got this in a Rhode Island newsletter. I love the place, but it makes me scratch my head a little: Rhode Island Receives "International Star Diamond Award" in Tourism. I guess tourists don't ride city buses or need street signs to help them get around town. Probably they just spend their time at the beaches and in the burbs.

It's 17-degrees, and our dryer is fixed.

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