February 10, 2009

Espresso Oyster

Sue had a fun rehearsal last night. Her homework before next week's class is to choreograph a Turkish opening. I'll do my best to report back to you on her progress.

She's psyched because she's got Monday off for the holiday, and she took Tuesday off because she could. Four day weekend! Well-deserved, so woo hoo for Suester!

Today after work I'll be oriented to and trained by an organization called Volunteers in Providence Schools (VIPS). I don't know how it all works, but if the training thingy tonight goes well, and it seems like a worthwhile organization, I'll become a tutor or mentor for a high school student in town. I think my responsibilities would be once-per-week or twice-per-month after school. VIPS' office is sort of close to where I work.

And now... our most recent fungal adventure... espresso oyster mushrooms! We saved up Sue's coffee grounds in the freezer for 6-8 weeks. Then we inoculated the grounds, tamped the mixture down, and watered it. How do you think we did? I'll post the results on this post at some point this week.

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